Women in Cardiothoracic Anesthesiology

Message from the WICTA Chair

WICTA Chairs Letter Winter 2023

As I reflect on what we’ve accomplished as a group this year, I cannot help but give thanks for our WICTA community. Often, the constant busy routine of our lives leaves little time to reflect and appreciate. So, I thought I would provide a brief recap of what our community has accomplished this year.

  • WICTA Professional Development Publication Pods- Over 10 published manuscripts in peer reviewed journals!
  • WICTA Speaker Database: Provided invited Visiting Professor speaking opportunities to several women cardiac anesthesiologists.
  • WICTA Professional Development Webinars- brought several highly impactful topics to the forefront.
  • WICTA/SCA Fellowship Webinar Series- Engaged the future generation of cardiac anesthesiologists.
  • WICTA @ SCA- provided community for over 300 women in CT anesthesiology.
  • WICTA @ ASA- created mentorship opportunities for over 30 medical students interested in anesthesiology!

While these accomplishments are commendable, the most vital impact that WICTA has is community. As we approach the new year WICTA is preparing to launch a new initiative to engage women in academic practice in research and scholarship, engage all members in our online education and networking events, and increase mentorship and sponsorship of women in CT anesthesiology. We are WICTA. We encourage you to lean into this community because when we work together, we soar!