Ashley Peterson, Daryl Oakes, Isobel Russell, Jessica Brodt

Dr. Stoelting and Dr. Warltier
I acknowledged Dr. Stoelting, the author of the book, Clinical Anesthesia that I loved to read. I dedicate this endowment to Dr. Warltier, Professor and Chairman of the department of Anesthesiology at the medical college of the Wisconsin, Milwaukee. I was a resident under him when he was vice chair. I always enjoyed working with him. After my residency, I was planning to join a pain fellowship in Cincinnati. He inspired me to pursue cardiac anesthesia when he witnessed my diagnostic skills in periop Echo in 1998, even before I took and cleared the first echo boards. He is an author, a scholar, and a researcher of repute. I thank him for his commitment to my success, I couldn’t have done it without his encouragement, guidance, and support. I thank him for his belief in my abilities and for my dreams that became a reality. His guidance and shared experiences have been invaluable. He shaped my career. I owe my success to him.

Dr. Mark Stafford Smith
I made an endowment in honor of Mark Stafford Smith, as a major influence in my early career. He recruited me to my current position and guided me for the last 12 years as a CTA and educator. To me, he taught me many things, but is a core guide who helped me create a unique career in CT anesthesiology, inspiring and demonstrating to me that there is no “cookie cutter” way of carving out what will make one professionally satisfied, but that understanding and following your core values is essential.
Dr. Michael Licina
I would like to dedicate my donation in memory of Dr. Michael Licina MD. Dr. Licina was influential mentor to me and to generations of fellows at the Cleveland Clinic. He was at the forefront of education in echocardiography both in our institution and in the SCA as well as an officer in the US Navy. His mentorship and sense of humor made long days and nights while taking care of the sickest of the sick a learning experience that I cherish and try to pass his knowledge on to the new generations of residents I get the privilege to teach. We lost a great teacher and friend too soon and he is sorely missed. Thank you, Mike, for your service and for influencing our lives more than you’ll ever know. You are missed every day, and your legacy will live on.

Dr. Joyce Wahr
My donation was to honor Joyce Wahr. Joyce was one of my attendings during my cardiac fellowship at Michigan. She was an amazing cardiac anesthesiologist and a great role model for me as I developed my skills in the subspecialty. When the fellowship curriculum was silent on training in research, Joyce stepped in to mentor me in the development of a project that ultimately resulted in my first publication. I will always be indebted to Joyce for getting me my start in research, and helping me develop as a clinician.
My donation is in recognition of Joyce Wahr, for her work as a leader and a mentor in the creation and continuation of our philanthropic efforts on behalf of the SCA!

Dr. Edward Lowenstein
I’m honoring Edward Lowenstein, who was a pioneer in cardiac anesthesia, the co-inventor of high-dose opioid anesthesia for cardiac surgery, and a candid and logic-based mentor from whom I sought advice for many years after completing my fellowship under his leadership.

Dr. Chris Troianos
Chris Troianos. Dr. Troianos exemplifies a mentoring leader. As chair of the Anesthesia Insitute, he has selflessly worked to promote and enhance the national presence of his team. He leads with steadiness and empowers the team to problem solve. In addition, he is excellent clinician who practices an expert in his field and loves to educate residents and fellows alike.

Dr. Daniel Nyhan
In honor of Daniel Nyhan, for his steady guidance and support.

Dr. Jerry Reeves
My donation was made in honor of my mentor and first chairman at Duke University Medical Center, Dr. Jerry G. Reeves, a pioneer in modern anesthesiology and a well-respected cardiac anesthesiologist. Jerry has always been there for me when I needed career advice and I will never forget when he shared with me that between all his academic leadership positions (cardiac division chief & chair at Duke and Dean at South Carolina), he always thought that the division chief job was the most rewarding and had the most flexibility to pursue academic work, meaningful clinical work and still have administrative leadership responsibilities. I selected Jerry to honor him as a mentor as he is my role model in academic anesthesiology. Thank you, Jerry, for paving the way for all of us!

Dr. Daryl Oakes
This donation was made in honor of Dr. Daryl Oakes from her fellowship graduates in recognition of her development and expansion of the Stanford Cardiothoracic Fellowship Program and her tireless advocacy for her trainees who now represent Stanford across the country in a growing fellowship of cardiac anesthesiologists. Her leadership has provided access to this specialty for a diverse group of trainees and her tenure has encouraged those who would not otherwise pursue such a challenging career, to consider this rewarding specialty. She has not only advocated for her trainees, but has sponsored them in their careers to become leaders in cardiothoracic anesthesia. With this donation we recognize her commitment to us (her trainees) and to the bright future of our specialty.

Dr. Dan Thys
My donation is in honor of Daniel Thys, who was Director of Cardiothoracic Anesthesia at Mount Sinai when I was a fellow. He was an amazing teacher and academic mentor.

Dr. Bel Russell
I am extremely grateful for the leadership and mentorship of Dr. Isobel Russell and Dr. Kathryn Rouine-Rapp, both from UCSF.

Dr. Rouine Rapp
I am extremely grateful for the leadership and mentorship of Dr. Isobel Russell and Dr. Kathryn Rouine-Rapp, both from UCSF.

Dr. Paul Barash
My pledge/donation was in honor of Dr. Paul Barasch, former Chair and then Emeritus Professor of Anesthesiology at Yale University. Paul was a renowned educator, researcher and mentor to so many of us in cardiac anesthesia. His insights into cardiac physiology and management during cardiac surgery were foundational to cardiac anesthesiology. He authored many landmark papers and book chapters, but my recognition is based on his generosity as a teacher and advisor. He was truly a gentle giant, always available to provide advice, and endlessly offering encouragement. He was and remains a role model for every one who hopes to mentor others. Loved and forever missed.

Dr. Michael Cahalan
In memory of Mike, much loved and respected by so many.