Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists

COVID-19 Resources

Featured Webinars

SCA and CTSNet Present: Cardiac Surgery During COVID-19: ECMO, Transplants, Elective Cases, and the Future (from April 27)

Topics include:

  • Reopening Cardiac Surgery Programs
  • ECMO for COVID-19
  • Transplant During the COVID Era
  • Resilience in the Face of COVID-19

COVID-19 Challenges for the Cardiovascular and Cardiothoracic Anesthesiologist (from April 4)

This webinar features speakers from around the globe discussing current practices adopted to manage the COVID-19 pandemic from a cardiovascular and thoracic perspective.

View the FAQs from the webinar.

COVID-19 Informational Resources

As physicians, we recognize that you are on the front line helping to combat the novel coronavirus. Many of you have resources you are referencing for COVID-19.

Thanks to our members across the world, we have compiled additional sources for you to reference. Some of the resources provided only require a login to be created in order to access the information, while others are open to the public.

We thank you for all you are doing during this time of uncertainty. Please reach out to SCAHQ at if there are more resources you know of to included on this page. We will be updating this page regularly.