Thank you for your support of the SCA Endowment Fund.
These gifts — or bequests — are donations that you designate in your will, estate, or trust.
There is no minimum gift requirement, and the benefits are many. For example:
- Planned gifts afford you flexibility to provide for your family and support the SCA.
- Certain planned gifts may reduce estate or capital gains taxes.
- Planned gifts need not affect your cash flow during your lifetime.
- Certain types of planned gifts allow you to support the SCA while also providing income for the rest of your life — or a fixed income for a loved one.
- The joy of knowing that your legacy gift will sustain the SCA programs for years to come.
We are honored to work with you to develop a lasting gift to SCA. We have several gift methods to best align with your lifestyle.

Estate Gifts
As you create a plan for the future of your estate, consider naming the SCA in your living trust or including a bequest in your will. You can name either a specific amount or a percentage.

Life Insurance Beneficiary
When choosing a beneficiary for your Life Insurance Policy, consider naming the SCA. This option is especially convenient for our donors with paid-up policies that are no longer needed for family protection.

Retirement Plan
Qualified retirement plans can be left to the SCA. These assets are under less severe taxation when distributed to a charity rather than to an individual. Most IRA’s, 403B’s, and 401k’s are accepted. You can also use your IRA during your lifetime to make donations.

Charitable Gift Annuity
This is an ideal option to support SCA while providing a fixed and guaranteed income for you or a loved one over 65 years of age. The rate of income increases based on the beneficiary’s age at the time of gift designation. Current national standard rates are as follows:
- For donors of age 70 or older – 4.7%
- For donors of age 80 or older – 6.5%
- For donors of age 90 or older – 8.6%

Pooled Income Fund
Collaborate with fellow donors to give and earn income. A pooled income fund represents a combination of funds from different individuals that are invested. The income is distributed to chosen beneficiaries (you or loved ones) as designated by you and your fellow donors. Typically, gifts average an annual yield of approximately 5%. This is limited to beneficiaries over the age of 65.

Charitable Remainder Trust
Best for donations of $250,000 or more, this is an independently managed gift that provides you with maximum flexibility. You create the terms of the trust in a way that best benefits you or another income beneficiary, the SCA, and any other charities you wish to support. Real Estate can also be committed in this way. As you create a plan for the future of your estate, consider naming the SCA in your living trust or including a bequest in your will. You can name either a specific amount or a percentage.

Real Estate
Real Estate can either be donated as a retained gift or as a standard gift. Retained real estate allows you to receive an immediate charitable income tax deduction while retaining the right to use the property during your lifetime, whether it is your primary home, vacation home, or some other use. Standard gifts of real estate can be made during your lifetime or in your will or living trust; in this case, you donate the property outright and receive the charitable income tax deduction at time of donation.